Findings & success

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Success story of WaterVent

  • we want to present some 40 entrepreneurs in our forums, max. 10 in our webinars
  • we welcome any stages
  • we welcome any water related businesses incl. neighbouring sectors (like blue and green biotechnology, agriculture, forest sciences, tapwater…)
  • we are coaching all entrepreneurs the day before
  • we are focussed on matching; only small amount of keynotes & general speeches
  • we attract also “hidden” industrial (corporate) investors
  • we are independent and a platform only provider
  • we are targeting a global audience
  • we attract also water tech entrepreneurs from upcoming regions like India, South Africa, China, Australia, Argentina, Brazil, Russia
  • Based in Berlin we want to bring in german water tech expertise and are happy to assist in the access to german and european water technology sector

WaterVent’s growing success in 15 years

Incepted in February 2010 in Berlin, WaterVent (acronym of Water and Venture)
is enjoying a steadily increasing brand awareness.

Though we notice hundreds of congresses and trade fairs dealing with water issues and subjects organized globally, WaterVent was and is still the only international water technologies (and related nexus) focused forum: minimum 50% of presentations done are setup by water technology entrepreneurs and innovators looking for funding and/or clients (users, applications)!

Some facts | WaterVent Factsheet:

  • 12 webinars since May 2020 attracted more than 2,800 interested parties
  • Serious negotiations for appr. $ 360 Mio reported
  • Attendees reported more than 1,300 serious leads acquainted (into clients, users, support)
  • Appr. 14,500 enquiries to attend received (physical forums)
  • Global Database of appr. 43,000 water tech companies, investors, services, clusters, experts …created
  • Appr. 4,400 members in our water technology financing and venturing group in Linkedin
  • Appr. 22,000  first degree contacts in Linkedin (appr. 80% water related)
  • > 32,000 hits in Google for WaterVent
  • More than 70% of all relevant corporates, utilities, investors, experts have heard about WaterVent (result of a recent market study conducted; base: 1,200 people reached out in US/Canada, Europe and Israel)

Based in Berlin we have direct access to Germany, Austria and Switzerland based water tech corporates, civil engineering companies, utilities, research institutions, clients (users, applications)! …. for introducing (joint) venture activities!


Climate tech report of the Israel Innovation Authority
Climate tech report of the Israel Innovation Authority
Water-technology related activity in relation to water stress
Water-technology related activity in relation to water stress
Funding, grant and income sources for water-technology innovation
Funding, grant and income sources for water-technology innovation