Water – essence of and for life!
Time for a focused financing event!
Berlin, 20th and 21st of October, 2010
September 28th, 2010:
Marie-Anne Brodschii
VP innovation for Veolia Environnement “Veolia Innovation Accelerator”
September 22nd, 2010:
New investors
- Total (Direction Développement Durable et Environnement,
Capital Développement) - Israel Clean Tech
September 17th, 2010:

September 16th, 2010:
Patronage for WaterVent:

Almuth Nehring-Venus. Permanent Secretary, Berlin Government Senate for Economics, Technology and Women’s Issues.
September 8th, 2010:
Mekorot – Israel’s National Water Company presents their activities.
We welcome new investors:
Wellington Partners and L-EA Private Equity GmbH
August 27th, 2010:
Germany’s leading high-quality ceramic products’ manufacturer Villeroy & Boch and Pigadi GmbH, Berlin an 100%-affiliate of BerlinWasser, leading in water exploration, confirm their participation.
August 16th, 2010:
New Partner: International Private Water Association
The International Private Water Association (IPWA) was formed in 1999 to address the changing dynamics taking place in individual countries around the world within the context of the evolving water/wastewater infrastructure project and service arena. The Association serves as a conduit between the public and private sector players - facilitating effective timely dialogues that highlight the critical need for speed, transparency and cost-effectiveness in the development/operations of global water and wastewater projects, and the practical means for achieving those elements in projects. More importantly, IPWA is uniquely recognized as one of the few independent organizations that address, as a central part of its mission, the evolving role of the private sector as a viable partner to governments and parastatals within the global water/wastewater project and service arena.
Visit International Private Water Association
August 10th, 2010:
Cleantech Group is going to intensify its engagement:
The Cleantech group will:
- speak at Watervent. Mia Javier, water analyst will present her latest findings
- advertise from September onwards to their Europe and Israeli contacts + personals intro’s
- organize their quarterly European advisory board meeting in Berlin and give the opportunity to selected companies to pitch to the board
- List of board members
- will support in suggesting and reviewing companies
- Companies presenting will be added in the innovation pipeline of the Cleantech group
August 10th, 2010:
The Embassy of Mexico Berlin is going to intensify its engagement:
- Personal Support by His Excellence the Ambassador of the Federal State of Mexico Francisco N, Gonzalez Diaz
- Presenting various Mexican water companies
- Presenting ProMexico – the incoming agency of Mexico
- Inviting all participants to a reception in the Berlin embassy on the evening of October 20th
August 10th, 2010:
New Partner: Cisco
with presentation “Smart Grid Management in Water Supply”
New Investors:
July 19th, 2010:
We are pleased to announce the participation of three further top investors in clean technologies:
TallyFox Social Technologies AG will render support worldwide
(see their water survey – Results will be presented on WaterVent)
The new water business magazine WaterBiz is going to be a mediapartner!
June 21st, 2010:
Mama AG’s Nikolas Samios is talking about „Opportunities in Water Technology” (view of investor)
June 21st, 2010:
Our www.watervent.com is getting more acceptance by the relevant entrepreneurs and investors:
- Bank Sarasin AG represented by its CEO Frank Niehage talks about “Investment Opportunities in Water Technology
- The Water technology fair WATEC Israel is partnering WaterVent
- New Investor: Inovis Capital
- Global Water Intelligence London is going to support us
Up to now 18 entrepreneurs (appr. 25% of total capacity) registered already for presentation – presenting companies are to be published in early September 2010.
We created within Linkedin a water technology funding group which is well frequented – join it!
June 2nd, 2010:
We are happy to announce the support of Germany’s biggest water supplier
Berliner Wasser Betriebe
- rendering us the location (a former water pumping station) in the heart of Berlin.
Selected investors already joining us: General Electric, 3M New Ventures & Mama, Konrat Ventures, BayTechVentures, EarlyBird, Entrepreneursfund, Emerald Ventures, BASF Ventures, Mountain Cleantech.
Further Supporters (more to follow): McKinsey, Cleantech Group, Fraunhofer, VDI (German Association of Engineers), ESA European Space Agency, Israel Trade, EDB Singapore, International Herald Tribune, German Water Partnership, German Council for Sustainable Development.
Industrial partner (more to follow): INGE AG (Filtration)
You are
- interested in joining for just listening to water technology companies’ presentations?
- Looking for interesting investments in water technology?
- Looking for funding of your business?
- Looking for specific project financing?
- Interested in sponsoring our platform being a corporate partner?
Please forward this informations to entrepreneurs you might know.