Water – essence of and for life!
Time for a focused financing event!
2nd Edition: Zurich, 12th of april, 2011
The following fees include one person except the entrepreneurs who may join with two persons. Each further person will be charged with Euro 300 additionally.
Your profile in WaterVent Online Matching is included in the
registration fee!
Participation fee:
Investor (any kind, fee: Euro 1,100)
Entrepreneur presenting:
* Present on fixed fee base (Euro 1,300)
* Present on success fee base
(Euro 500 plus 2.0% success fee - with separate agreement, )
Entrepreneur just participating (Euro 800)
Water supplier (Euro 1,800)
Multinational company (Euro 2,600)
Service Provider
(i.e. legal, accountant, consultant, ... fee: Euro 2,400)
R&D Institution, University, Public Entity (Euro 450)
Charity (Limited!, no fee)