* FILE: config.php
* SCRIPT: ByteCms
* VERSION: 0.01
* AUTHOR: Andreas Petermann (c) Bytenation.de
* PURPOSE: Dieses File wurde automatisch erstellt und beinhaltet
die Konfiguration
* REQUIREMENTS: keine, das file wird included
* WARNING: No Warnings this time
* NOTES: It is forbidden to change the Copyright or code in this Script
* suport and Download only from Bytenation.de and SportDates.de
$config['config_homepage_title'] = 'Waterevent';
$config['config_meta_key'] = '';
$config['config_meta_description'] = '';
$config['config_homepage'] = 'http://www.watervent.com/cms/';
$config['config_absolute_path'] = '/var/www/vhosts/watervent.com/httpdocs/cms/';
$config['config_password'] = 'ccd50a1f708ed5682beefdb54c98b8c2';
$config['config_admin_name'] = 'Ulf Leonhard';
$config['config_admin_email'] = 'ulf.leonhard@leoven.com';
$config['config_sql_host'] = 'localhost';
$config['config_sql_port'] = '3306';
$config['config_sql_table'] = 'DB814538';
$config['config_sql_user'] = 'U814538';
$config['config_sql_password'] = '23ENWL10';
$config['config_beitrag'] = '0';
$config['config_preis_1'] = '250';
$config['config_preis_2'] = '450';